Motherhood: a Fine Balance and Scoria World Review


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I’ve heard many times over the past few years that balance isn’t real or attainable in motherhood, that it is one of those words we throw around and say that we either have or don’t have. Well that may be true during some moments, motherhood throws things off for sure, and brings about immense changes. But I think that if there is imbalance (changes that throw us “off”) then we must also be able to find balance too. I don’t think that I’ve found it yet and I also don’t think that when I do it will hold any sense of permanence (life is fluid and always changing) but I do think that there are seasons of balance in our lives and times when we feel out of balance. My hope is that I can find my own sense of balance (whatever that might look like) within the current season or stage of my life.

Motherhood has been one of the most life altering stages of my own life, and while I can’t speak for anyone here, this completely makes sense to me from a logical point of view. You go from living your own life completely independent to caring for someone who is completely dependant on you; things obviously change a lot. As a result of this some of the things that were a regular part of my life and that I loved like practicing or teaching yoga, got a little lost along the way.

IMG_027There was a time when yoga was a huge part of my life, I taught classes, took classes, researched and wrote papers on the history of yoga in the Western world, it was just a part of who I was and this never felt like it would change. When I was pregnant with our first I tried to maintain this as much as I could, not skipping a beat except for swapping out a hot class for a regular temperature class. I was so happy to hear that maintaining my fitness routines during pregnancy would (and did) help with labour and this was motivation for me to keep it up.

Over the past year or so (following the birth of our second); however, I have found it more and more difficult to get back on to my mat. I go in spurts, trying new classes and even though I always end up feeling great after going, for some reason getting out the door after a long day of work and evening of “mommying” proved to be a challenge.

IMG_024It’s so hard sometimes to balance work, home life, motherhood and find time for fitness and I keep trying to make it work, but it just wasn’t working out. I tried working out at home as well and I do really enjoy this, but there have been times when finding the motivation to do this instead of relaxing on the couch or sleeping in a bit longer in the morning just hasn’t been there.


So I am starting a challenge, a way of ending my Four Weeks of Wellness Series. I am challenging myself to get back on my mat at least once a week! I am also inviting all of you to take part in this challenge as well! I am kicking off this challenge by rolling out a new mat from Scoria World and giving one away to one of you as well.

Scoria World is a blooming new business founded by Yara Kamal and based around the concept of creativity and what happens to that creativity when we grow up. Scoria is a company that designs and creates 100% natural cork yoga mats (that help stop the slipping when you sweat). The mats use zero chemicals and every order made donates six meals to a child.

When I met Yara, heard the Scoria story idea and found out that the images on the mats were inspired by children and that the proceeds from sales went to such a great cause I was hooked.   I was so excited to purchase my own mat and share this story with all of you.

Taking inspiration from Scoria, and those sparks of creativity that come from the child with, let’s get creative with how we balance our lives and take on the challenge of doing the things we love, the things that bring us joy alongside our children.


IMG_0366_editedHead on over to my Instagram Page this evening for complete entry details.

For 3 bonus entries comment below sharing why you love yoga

8 thoughts on “Motherhood: a Fine Balance and Scoria World Review

  1. @mscarlita

    Yoga helped me recover from my back pain, and now it’s a daily ritual between my 3mth old and I….and it is the only time she will do tummy time!!!!! That alone is worth it 😉


  2. Would love a new yoga mat! Thank you for the giveaway!

    I used to practice yoga a lot before I had my children. It’s something I wish I was able to do more often now. I love how it makes me feel strong and calm 💪🏼🙏🏻



  3. This is so beautiful and I love that you have this dynamic relationship with your children! I have only discovered Scoria mats (as of last night actually!) and I’m in love with them 💞🧘🏽‍♀️🕉
    Having a heritage where yoga is second to breathing, it’s taken me a while to find my yogic self – my grandmother taught herself, my father has inherited his abilities from her and I am now catching up with them. I love yoga because it’s not just about what happens on the mat, it’s about the practice and values that you take with you off the mat and into your day to day life. It’s about assessing yourself and exploring avenues of the spiritual world that you may never have sought before whether you knew how to or not.
    I’d love to win this mat because I think that whenever I do an adho mukha shvanasana (downward dog), it would make me smile every time I see a classic childhood drawing. My Instagram handle is aparnagiana 👏🏽🤸🏽‍♀️


  4. Hello, my name is Sammy @mommas_gang .
    I love yoga because it helps me be healthier…and can get me through a tough time… whenever I finish yoga I feel rejuvenated and that feeling is so important to me. Loving your blog! Xo


  5. Hi! I’m Finnora (ig: I just found & read your blog because of scoria & I love your posts. I totally agree that it’s hard sometimes to find balance on managing our time through motherhood, jobs, plus our me time or workout time. I have 2 kids ( 9 & 6 ) and although they are big enough to play & study by themselves sometimes they still asked me to accompany them and sometimes it “cancelled” my yoga time at home. But I always try to find time to roll my mat and practice even if it’s only 20-30 minutes because I feel it is like my me time where I can listen to what my body need & i love the stretch the progress where I don’t have to compare to others because I believe each one of us are different. And I also love feeling energized afterwards. Thank you for sharing


  6. Thanks for writing this! I told my husband tonight that I need to get back to my yoga practice and that I miss it so much. After I read this post it challenged me to really make it happen. I have a newly walking toddler at home so that’s just one of many reasons it can feel so difficult at times.

    Yoga (and exercise in general) has been a huge help when it comes to my mental health as well as my physical health. It does something to me in a way nothing else does in terms of keeping my anxiety manageable.

    I love it and am so grateful for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yoga for me is like exploring the world, except the new places I am discovering are within my body. I love Yoga because it allows me to embody self-love and ignite my passion for exploring! I create a home within my self and can go anywhere in the world knowing that wherever I travel, I am always home. @criscillakay


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