Babies, Bumps & an Itty Bitty Bungalow


We are so excited to announce that our little man is going to be a big brother! At 24 weeks (just over the halfway mark) it’s starting to feel very real. Our little man is running around the house slapping his tummy and saying “baby, baby, baby!” A new word that he is so excited about. I think he’s convinced that we all have babies in our bellies.



With a fifteen month old and a little one on the way, it’s safe to say that things are going to get a little crazier for us. Things are happening very quickly this time around and it feels like going-with-the flow is going to take on a whole new meaning very soon.

IMG_2878Before our son was born I was a big time “planner;” a to-do-list making, sticky note obsessed, day-timer dependent kind of planner. After having a baby this changed dramatically. I still have to keep organized, calendars for important dates and events and a few sticky notes so I remember to do most things, but it feels very different now. I can’t plan as far into the future as I used to believe I could, in fact I’ve come to realize that life is going to happen and you either saddle-up and enjoy the ride, or fret about the way things should be and try to maintain a sense of complete control. I guess this is all a part of the “letting go” that is motherhood. To be honest I am kind of enjoying this, it’s a little bit liberating and a little bit terrifying, but I think that is what living is all about.IMG_2834When we found out that we were pregnant with our second one, we were both a little bit shocked. I took five tests, kind of shocked! We were aware of the fact that “life-planning” (the five, ten, fifteen year kind of planning) we had thought was necessary had been thrown out the window and instead it was about the now! We were finally thinking about our present, the gift of today that we had been given. This second pregnancy has made us finally slow-down and stand still for a bit. We are happy exactly where we are and I am so grateful to have found this place.


IMG_2820With all of these changes happening so quickly we’ve decided to stay in our little bungalow for as long as we can. Plans of moving just aren’t in the cards for us right now. Since our place is only a tiny two bedroom bungalow, we were a little bit worried about the little ones sharing a room, but to be completely honest, I think it’s adorable for littles to share a room (my sis and I always wanted to break down the dividing wall between our bedrooms) and sibling room sharing is not uncommon at all. I am kind of excited about the opportunity to re-decorate the tiny space for our babies to share and the creative solutions that come along with small spaces.

IMG_2873Baby number two will be joining us in September 2016 and we are so happy for this little bundle of joy to arrive! Stay-tuned for more baby-bump updates and tummy tales.


A big thank you goes out to my sis, Alexa Falsetti and my hubby for these fantastic pics xo !

2 thoughts on “Babies, Bumps & an Itty Bitty Bungalow

  1. Congratulations Vanessa! I’m so excited for your family to grow. We too will be making that decision. Small house on a property we love. I think sibling rooms are in the cards for us as well! I’m excited to see how you decorate 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much Danielle! It’s an exciting time for sure. I think sibling rooms will be a lot of fun and the decorating will be a challenge, but I’m super excited about it. Yeah! You will be making this decision too 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more about your experiences as well! 🙂


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